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Professional Engineer Program Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology Trisakti University as the event organizer, will hold an online public lecture with the material;
-Application of Safety, Occupational Health and Environment (K3L) in the Engineering Field
Kusumo Drajad S, ST, Msi, CSP, IPU, ASEAN Eng.
Dr. Ir. Yuli Kurnia Ningsih, MT, IPU
Held on :
Day/Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024
Time: 09.00 -12.00 WIB
Zoom Meeting
The Safety, Occupational Health and Environment public lecture was also attended by Permanent Lecturers of the Professional Engineer Program. This event is routinely held every semester as part of the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program of the Professional Engineer Program FTI Universitas Trisakti.
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